fortune 500 Razor PACKAGING Design Project
// sustainable luxury by turning packaging into accessories
Fall 2019
This was a semester long project done for and under the supervision of a Fortune 500 company.
Missing from this documentation of the project are all graphic elements developed for the branding of the razor package. The primary element consisted of a translucent internal sleeve that goes inside of the transparent glass enclosure.
For this project we were each tasked with developing a packaging design solution for a luxurious razor product that would continue to set it apart from its competition. Our fully comprehensive project was based off of research, evaluation of our designs, and an iterative process. My particular approach to the project focused on extreme innovation and wild ideas to feed into a final solution that satisfied as many user, company, and brand needs established throughout the project. I wanted to do my best to bring unique ideas to the table while working towards a goal that satisfied the project objective.
My final solution aims to create a package out of useable products, satisfying customer needs, initial packaging impact, and sustainability concerns in one design. By using as much of the package as possible throughout the lifespan of the razor, and in some cases beyond, more material is kept out of the landfill. Easily recyclable materials means minimal impact when the time comes to retire the razor. Utility beyond expectation is not only a pleasant surprise for the consumer, but allows for more premium materials to be used in the packaging that otherwise would be unwarranted and extravagant.
This project as well as those of my peers were all well received by the company involved and helped strengthen a relationship being built between them and my school.
Initial Research + Collaboration
Ideation Journal
Original sketches
These sketches have been edited to hide all branding. While this does not change the design from a functional standpoint, it does somewhat alter the aesthetics. Some designs feature prominent and creative applications of logos and lettering that are no longer visible.
Concept 1 - Auto Wrap Case + Cup + Embroidered Imagery
Branding was hidden in these images.
Concept 2 - Key Inspired Design + Strong Shelf Presence
Concept 3 - pushing the boundaries of packaging
Branding was hidden in these images.
Midterm Presentation
Final design - Package as Product
Opening Experience
Final Presentation Posters
These are unbranded versions of the original posters printed in 36x24” format.
Final Prototype
Project Book

A project book submitted at the end of the project for our final presentation and documentation of our work throughout the semester.